Push the art of floristry forward
My classes focus on artfulness, sustainability, and the deliberate practice of looking at materials in a new way.
Learn how to create modern floral fashion, sustainable large scale installations, artfully designed centerpieces, versatile floral structures and bouquets. Watch these pre-recorded lessons on your own time, and keep them forever. Access my online forum to ask me questions and get real time support.
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Artful Wedding Personals Classes
Modern Floral Fashion Classes
Floral jewelry can be made a variety of ways. First, a reliable base must be acquired or created. Instead of traditional bases created for the floral trade, I teach my students how to create sustainable, reliable floral jewelry bases on which you can assemble any number of designs. Offer something beyond corsages with the help of my floral jewelry tutorials.
Find over 40 online floral design tutorials at Foundational skills and concepts such as wiring, the art of the spiral bouquet, and art theory are on offer, as well as innovative and more specialized topics such as floral tattoos, innovative corsages, updated floral wearables, and foam-free large-scale design. I also host a “Virtual Studio,” a monthly subscription that includes a new lesson each month, in addition to master classes, ongoing support, and an interactive private group forum.